Guest Requirements
Every dog and cat MUST be properly immunized before lodging. We require written verification of thier current RABIES – DISTEMPER / PARVO and BORDATELLA (Kennel Cough) vaccinations for canines and FVRCP and Rabies for felines. Owner administered vaccines cannot be accepted. It is the OWNER’S responsibility to provide us with this information.
Any guests with fleas / ticks will be bathed or dipped (at owner’s expense) before entering the resort.
Emergency Policies
The most common question posed by pet owners is “what happens in an emergency?” There are two types of emergencies: the ailing pet and the natural disaster.
If your pet should become ill or hurt while staying at our pet resort, our proceedure is as follows:
- We assess the situation and its gravity.
- We immediately call the owner, or the owner’s emergency contact, and apprise them of the situation.
- We contact our vet and take the animal in for an evaluation. Our vet will then contact the veterinarian of record to consult and take whatever necessary action.
- We keep the owner informed on the animal’s condition and any medications that may be prescribed.
- We comply with the owner’s wishes at all times.
During a natural disaster such as a tornado, hurricane, etc., we must abide by the wishes of the county. If there is a mandatory evacuation, we will ask all owners or their emergency contacts to pick up their pets. Otherwise our Pet Resort will remain open to all who need a place for their pets to stay.
We have a secure facility and will house as many animals as we safely can during an emergency.
American Boarding Kennel Association – Code of Ethics
As a member of ABKA, I recognize that, in order to fulfill my obligations to the animals in my care, to my customers, to the pet care services industry and to my community, both my business and my personal life must be governed by honorable standards… Therefore I solemnly pledge:
- To provide conscientious care for the animals entrusted to me, being constantly attentive to their security, safety, and wellbeing, and to place their welfare above all other business considerations.
- To take every opportunity to learn more about my profession and to improve my services.
- To deal honestly and fairly with the public, and to avoid misrepresentation of my services.
- To respect the confidence of every customer served.
- To place service to my customers and to the pet care services industry above personal gain.
- To avoid unfair competitive practices, any slander or defamation of my competitors, and actions or business practices which would result in dishonor upon or distrust of my competitors or of the pet care services industry in general.
- To support my association, its policies and programs, and to participate as fully as possible in its activities.
- To be respectful of, and to cooperate with the other professions and trades which operate within the pet industry, in every way consistent with my other responsibilities.
- To obey all applicable Federal, State and local laws governing animal care and business practices.
- To operate my business in such a manner as to reflect honor upon the pet care services industry within my local community.
- To encourage responsible pet ownership, and to promote, especially through the charitable programs of ABKA, an increased awareness and acceptance of humane and noble animal programs.
As a member of ABKA, this facility freely acknowledges and willingly accepts the serious responsibility involved in the care of your beloved pets. As a part of that responsibility, we maintain membership in ABKA and are committed to operate our business in accordance with the ABKA code of ethical conduct. Implicit in that code are the pledges aid out in the ABKA Bill of Rights for pets in boarding or daycare facilities.